up next: your new season

xyz skin:

for anything, everything, and the time in between

welcome to the ingredient shelf

this is where we can discover some of life’s answers - the skincare-related ones, at least.

during life’s difficult times, it can feel good to have something to hold on to - even if it’s something small. we hope that you’ll find your solace in the pursuit of knowledge, like we have. skincare is a small gift to yourself, a ritual that only you can give you. no one deserves to feel (outwardly) self-conscious during times of (internal) transition. both knowledge and self-care can ease some of that self-consciousness.

we hope to share with you why and how we’ve formulated these small gifts, and hope you can use this as a jumping off point for your larger journey.

thank you for spending time with us, and enjoy the ride.

what is skin and what skin type do I have?

 the ingredient glossary

simply click on the image of the ingredient you wish to learn more about.

use what you learn to buy what you need.